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Environmental impact

Pallet Pooling

A responsible choice was made first of all in the logistics sector, where we have chosen a pallet and container supplier who offers the innovative ‘pallet pooling’ service, which replaces single-use white pallets with exchangeable ones.

This service involves all the players in the distribution chain: producers, logistical operators, distribution centres and end retailers so that the pallets can be exchanged within their own path: for every pallet delivered full, an empty one going in the other direction is given back. Compatibility between the pallets is ensured by the Epal standard. This is an example of an efficient and sustainable management solution made possible thanks to an ability to implement networking strategies. The positive impact on the environment, compared with the use of single-use white pallets, is both clear and measurable.


The factory recently completed works on a new trigeneration plant for the combined production of energy in the form of cooling, heat and power.

Producing these forms of energy together is cheaper than producing them separately, harnessing the heat that would otherwise be lost and reaching very high levels of efficiency. Through trigeneration, the benefit to the environment translates into a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere as well as a lowered contribution of thermal energy given off into the environment as measured in TOE (Tonnes of Oil Equivalent); the economic benefit, on the other hand, consists of savings on both heating and electrical costs, with an estimated 30% reduction in expenses.
Sustainability is a key element of our value proposition and we do everything we can to keep the quality of our equipment high, reducing the environmental impact of our production as much as possible.


The paper materials we use for communication are strictly FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council) – that is, they meet the national standards of Sustainable Forest Management that is committed to promoting environmentally-friendly, socially-beneficial and economically-sustainable forest management.

The FSC logo guarantees that the product is made with raw materials that come from forests that are properly managed according to two standard principles: forest management and the chain of custody.

Thermopest system

Our company carries out high-temperature disinfestation treatments using the Thermopest® system, an alternative to the traditional chemical agents (gases and fumigants) and absolutely environmentally friendly for the elimination of pests throughout agro-industrial buildings and areas.

It is the only real alternative to toxic gas treatments. Unlike common chemical disinfestation treatments, the Thermopest® disinfestation system is non-toxic for both people and food, leaves no residue whatsoever, and does not require the evacuation of the areas to be treated.

Ecothermic line

In the near future, we will install the new Ecothermic pasta-making line, which will guarantee a further 40% reduction in the thermal energy we emit.

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