Best italian pasta recipes
Discover the recipes by pasta shape

Recipes with Spaghetti
Celebrate with us at La Molisana one of the best pasta shapes there is: spaghetti!

Recipes with Fusilli
Discover with us the best recipes with fusilli and prepare to be pleasantly surprised!

Recipes with Penne
Discover with us at La Molisana the most famous recipes with penne, all to be tasted.

Recipes with Farfalle
Come and discover with us some recipes with Farfalle La Molisana, to bring always tasty and creative first courses to the table.

Recipes with Caserecce
With this pasta shape you will have the opportunity to prepare many recipes accompanied by appetizing sauces and condiments!

Recipes with Maccheroni
The time has come to express your creativity! Discover with us the recipes with macaroni!

Recipes with Orecchiette
Use your imagination and the most disparate ingredients to delight yourself with this great classic of Apulian home cooking.

Recipes with Bucatini
The bucatini are perfect to combine with dense and consistent condiments. Are you curious to discover some delicious recipes with bucatini?